Robert Mitchell M.A.
Robert Mitchell M.A. lives in New York City. He received his B.A. in Religious Studies from Syracuse University in 1991 where he was initiated into Theta Chi Beta, the National Religious Studies Honors Society. At Syracuse he had the good fortune of studying with Dr. David Miller, whose expertise was Carl Jung’s psychological theories regarding religious experience. Robert’s specific focus was the manner that the western mystery schools influenced Jung’s psychology of religious experience.
Jung saw Astrology and Alchemy as the esoteric religions of antiquity. Of Astrology he once said, “It contains everything that I have found in my psychology, and I’ve yet to find if my psychology has anything to offer her older sister.” Jung’s belief that all psychological struggles were at their core, religious in nature, was an organizing principle for Robert’s studies, and for his present work. During his time at Syracuse, Robert attended his first ten day Vipassana meditation retreat and began his meditation practice. It’s a practice that has continued to this day.
Robert received his M.A. in Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco in 1994. While earning his Masters Degree, he acquired over two thousand hours in training as a psychotherapist, before deciding his future did not lie in conventional models of psychotherapy. At CIIS, he studied Transpersonal Models of consciousness with psychedelic pioneers Ralph Metzner, Stan Grof, and Michael Harner. At the same time, personal computers had made it possible for him to assemble astrology charts, and he found that as soon as he could print them, he could interpret them.
Over the past 30 years he has worked with thousands of people from all walks of life, in several healing modalities. Originally, he used Astrology as a tool to demonstrate the identifiable structures in his client’s consciousness which shaped their experiences. Over time, he has become more interested in identifying the organizing intelligence behind each person’s circumstances, so that an ongoing dialogue could be created between his clients and that intelligence. Psychedelics when used properly, can be a catalyzing agency in promoting this dialogue.
It is Robert’s belief that a relationship with the numinous is an important aspect of the mental and physical health of each person, and the places where that experience is inhibited, is where personal difficulties, suffering and illness(both physical and emotional) emerge. His works aspires to inspire direct communication between his clients, and the invested intelligence that shapes their life. Once this relationship is established, it can continue on its own and be restorative, inspiring, practical, and directive.