Author Archives: Robert Mitchell

7,000 DREAMS

I dream a lot.  When I was in graduate school, I was required to be in therapy, because I was seeing clients.  Because I thought it would be interesting I chose a Jungian Analyst.  He suggested, I pick up a dream journal to remember my dreams.  The first entry was September 8, 1991.  I’m on about my fifth journal and it’s always around, reminding me that a current flows beneath the ground of my usual awareness.  The other day, I was doing an Astrology reading for someone and the subject of dreams came up.  I told them how I had recorded 7,000 dreams.  “What have you learned?” My client asked.  Good question. The first thing that I’ve learned because of the “find” capability in most word processing programs is that the dream I had last night, often is related to a whole series of dreams I have had over the years.  For instance, I have discovered on numerous occasions that what seemed like a stand alone dream was actually a link in a dream chain. Or a piece of an emerging fractal.   I’ve woken up after dreaming I was doing something in Chicago, to discover that I had 26 other unremembered dreams over the years about Chicago that were thematically and emotionally related.  Chicago is a “location” in my dream state.  If I am dreaming about being in Chicago, I am dreaming about being in some part of myself, that I return to over and over again.  And usually the dreams are progressive, showing that my relationship with that location is evolving.  I’ve actually come to think that the “location” of Chicago isn’t really Chicago at all.  It’s a location outside of space of time that I perceive to be Chicago like.  I often feel the work of the dream is to tease out the symbolic representation that a place or person is to me.  So to me, Chicago is the capital of the Midwest.  The city at the center.  So, when I am in “Chicago” I am dreaming of the man made structures built around my center.  Likewise, I often dream of people both famous, and not.  I will discover the same pattern of a dream about a person being a single link in a chain.  This is especially delightful when I wake up thinking, “It’s strange I dreamed of that person,” only to discover I have done it many times before.  One of the things I have learned whether the person be a public figure, or an acquaintance, that the dream is rarely about that person.  If for instance I dream of a famous person, I actually realize it’s not really a famous person that I am dreaming of, but a part of myself that my dream ego misperceives as that particular person.  So the work is never to go, “Oh, I dreamed of so and so, famous or not, the work is to tease out who that particular person is in me, that my dream ego misunderstands as having enough of the traits of a particular person, to be them.  My dream ego connects the dots of a a character, and my job is to look directly at the dots which are usually parts of myself that I am not presently in relationship with.  The amazing things about dreams is that they are NEVER telling you something you already know.  They are communicating to your ego from the primordial ground of being, presenting you with a message about how it views a particular part of you.  So the quick answer, “I’m in Chicago, or “So and so is angry at me,” isn’t what the dream is about, it’s just the beginning of a conversation between you and the Primordial about not presently understood parts of yourself.  Parts of yourself that you are usually screening out, because they don’t fit into your current self concept, or even the self concept you’ve held your whole life.  The self concept or Ego(both east and west) is something that has been formed in response to your initial environment, to cope with other people, and to make the timeless, spaceless parts of yourself, feel safe where it finds itself.  There is no ultimate reality in an ego, it’s a construct, and it’s a construct that efficacy of, your dreams comment on nightly.  You should take what they are saying seriously.



Most difficulties a person experiences can be attributed to the places where the architecture of the ego separates them from the origins of their consciousness. These origins are neither historical, nor biographical. The ego, is an instinctual, reflexive structure, created to cope with one’s environment from birth. It is like a callus formed against the challenges of life. (I’ve seen in Astrology Charts that it also may be a momentum of consciousness that one brings into life and creates their perceptions and experiences) There is nothing eternal in its structure though, though its origins are eternal. It exists in the realm of personal history and biography, and often camoflages and alienates awareness from its eternal origins. Mysticism is the capacity is to turn off the ego’s filtering ability and allow it to perceive things its conditioning won’t allow. A large part of consciousness exists outside of time, place, location or historical biography. If the structure of the ego does not allow access to these non biographical, eternal aspects of consciousness, it will calcify, struggle, and create dis-ease.

So how does the consciousness that animates the entire universe make itself known to the individual? How does the energy behind the big bang make its’ way into the awareness of the individual ego? First and foremost, through dreams. Dreams happen for one reason, and one reason only; to make the ego aware of elements of consciousness that exist outside its awareness. Every dream you have ever had, or anyone has ever had, occurred for one reason: To make the ego aware of things that are beyond its conditioned purview. Whenever anyone has a dream, it occurs because something is being presented that the ego doesn’t presently understand about its relationship to its origins. That’s one of the reasons why the meanings of dreams are so elusive. They cannot be simply understood by the ego, because they are a message about something the ego doesn’t presently understand about itself or its circumstances.. So the ego has to travel beyond its known boundaries of understanding to harvest meaning. When the ego reduces a dream to something that is already understood, it kills the intent of the dream. Threatened, it senses it is being informed of its incomplete understanding, and it rejects the process by claiming to understand. The ego has admit that without work and without sacrifice of its dominant paradigm, it will never understand the meaning of a dream.

Each one of us is animated by the same energies that went into forming the entire universe, both in its physical and non physical manifestations. Our ego is a like a light bulb in a dark room(that dark room is our lives), and the creative energy that animates that light bulb and creates the “light” of awareness is what allows the ego, (and in this analogy the light bulb) to make out the details of the room in which it finds itself(which is this life). If the light bulb looks around the room and starts thinking, “I like that window, I don’t like that chair, I wish the room was bigger,” it starts to wander from its origins and may even forget them. As the ego identifies more and more with what it illuminates, and less and less with the source of energy that animates it, limits itself and lose its potential. When an ego reacts only to its own creations, it moves further and further from the nutritive ground of its origins. The field of consciousness from which all awareness springs extends from a time before organic biological life began and extends far beyond when it ends. That same field is interwoven into this very life. You cannot fall out of the field being born, and you cannot fall out of the field after death.

It is this field that speaks to you in dreams. Sometimes it speaks from a farther, more impersonal distance, sometimes from a closer personal perspective. Its attention may sometimes be taken by other events, but it always is aware of you, and has a concern for your development and evolution. It speaks in ancient primordial language of images and feelings that are often foreign. But you can learn to speak its language, and the more you learn it, the more it will speak to you. I have over the years(and after recording 7,300 dreams) developed a worksheet that can help translate this language. If you are interested, let me know. I will send it to you. With or without it, this is always a phenomenal conversation to be having.



    Abraham Lincoln is generally considered the greatest American President.  He’s placed above all others because of the challenges he faced during his presidency, and the wisdom and leadership he demonstrated in response to those challenges. But one thing he generally isn’t remembered for is the importance he placed on his dreams.  Throughout his life, and often during his Presidency, he discussed his dreams with those around him.  He did not discriminate about who he shared these discussions with,  and spoke about his dreams to his wife, his friends, his cabinet members, and even the generals of the Union Army.

      Lincoln often began his cabinet meetings with discussions of his dreams from the previous night.  His captive audience viewed this as an eccentric aspect of his folksy manner.  His generals also had no choice but to tolerate his sharing. On several occasions, he informed Ulysses S. Grant(who himself would one day be President)  that good news was coming from the battlefields because the night previous he had dreamed about a ship steaming through the water at high speeds, and that reoccurring dream often was the harbinger of good news.

    It is two of the last dreams of Lincoln’s life that I’ve always found the most fascinating.  The first was told to his cabinet.  Lincoln reported that during his life he had often dreamed of being on a Clipper ship out at sea on a journey between two lands.  Progress had always been hard to measure because the ship had always been on the sea with no land in sight.  But several days before he died, he excitedly announced that in the dream of the night before the ship had reached land.  The second dream was told to his wife and a couple of friends three days before his death. One of whom, Ward Hill Lamon spoke of it frequently after his death.

     “About ten days ago, I retired very late. I had been up waiting for important dispatches from the front. I could not have been long in bed when I fell into a slumber, for I was weary. I soon began to dream. There seemed to be a death-like stillness about me. Then I heard subdued sobs, as if a number of people were weeping. I thought I left my bed and wandered downstairs. There the silence was broken by the same pitiful sobbing, but the mourners were invisible. I went from room to room; no living person was in sight, but the same mournful sounds of distress met me as I passed along. I saw light in all the rooms; every object was familiar to me; but where were all the people who were grieving as if their hearts would break? I was puzzled and alarmed. What could be the meaning of all this? Determined to find the cause of a state of things so mysterious and so shocking, I kept on until I arrived at the East Room, which I entered. There I met with a sickening surprise. Before me was a catafalque, on which rested a corpse wrapped in funeral vestments. Around it were stationed soldiers who were acting as guards; and there was a throng of people, gazing mournfully upon the corpse, whose face was covered, others weeping pitifully. ‘Who is dead in the White House?’ I demanded of one of the soldiers, ‘The President,’ was his answer; ‘he was killed by an assassin.’ Then came a loud burst of grief from the crowd, which woke me from my dream. I slept no more that night; and although it was only a dream, I have been strangely annoyed by it ever since.”


  I’ve been sitting with a lot of people in Astrology Sessions lately.  A close friend of mine asked if it was confusing sitting with all sorts of different people, talking about all kinds of different charts.  I thought about it for a moment and realized, I don’t ever feel that way.  The way I described it to my friend was that each person’s chart is like a unique stained glass design.  It’s like wandering through unending cathedrals, seeing unique stained glass designs, styles, colors, techniques and inspirations.  I don’t ever feel anything but amazed that you can talk to someone for two hours about their life while sitting with them and their Astrology Chart.  As I responded to the question, using the metaphor of “stained glass,”  it reminded me of a dream I recorded over a quarter century ago, that I think is share worthy.  I’ve recorded 7,000 dreams over the last 26 years or so, but this was one of the first.

16     1/1/92  I am at a blues club in Los Angeles.  I see a band playing and the singer is obviously a bearded Jim Morrison.  He does nothing to hide this, and nobody is all that excited about him being there, despite him being dead.  I wonder, “Am I in 1971?”   I return another time and he is clean shaven and bright blue eyed.  There is a newspaper report on the wall about Jim Morrison playing at the club, but there is no mention made of how strange an occurrence this is even though he has been dead for twenty years(now close to fifty)  I watch the show thinking about the implications of his being alive, or wondering if in fact, I am also dead.   The show ends.  I try to find my way out of the incredibly large complex that the Blues Club is is located in the basement of.  Finally I find my way out through a stairwell, but when I get outside, I realize I am not in Los Angeles, but in a neighborhood in New York City with which I am totally unfamiliar.  I walk and walk, hoping to find a familiar street name.  I become aware that I am in an African American Neighborhood where the inhabitants are about to riot about something that is most likely racial.  I feel threatened and think that I should probably find a safer place to be.  A young man on a bike tells me in a German accent that I should be in a movie theater.  That idea doesn’t appeal to me.  He says if I want to get to the train station to escape New York, I should follow the tower at Grand Central Station that is many blocks away.  I look up to see an immense tower with the stained glass from Chartres Cathedral at the top of it.   A bright light shines behind it, shining its’ colors across the city to me.  I follow it knowing as long as I keep heading in that direction, and keep the stained glass in my sights, I will be safe.

     Now, I’ll leave it to the reader to decide what this dream is really about.  But, I will say that at times my life has been chaotic, and at times it still is, but I have always been able to ground myself in the moment knowing that I am headed toward and keeping my eye on the “Stained Glass,” whatever ineffable experience it symbolizes.  As each person I read for reveals themselves through their unique arrangement of consciousness, I’ve found myself feeling that it is all one consciousness that comes in an unending variety of forms and asks the same questions through many prisms of light, color, memory, identity and emotion.   “Where am I from? Where am I going? Am I going to be okay?  Will there be others who love me when I get there?” I think the answer to all these questions, no matter how they are phrased, is an unequivocal, “Yes.”



 I haven’t written much about Astrology in my posts,  because I like to present what can be spoken about using Astrology without using Astrological language. But today I will. In the first week of October, Jupiter passed from Libra into Scorpio.  Right about the time that the first Harvey Weinstein stories came out.  The planets themselves, whether in a natal chart, a transit, or in a sign change(lIke from Libra to Scorpio) don’t cause anything, just as a mirror doesn’t cause your eyes to be brown. But, they do reflect some larger collective dynamics in play.

      Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the god of the underworld.  It is in the underworld where we hide our deepest secrets, and what secrets are deeper than our sexuality,  it’s distorted expression, and the shame that distortions gives birth to?  A perfect storm composed of these things had been gathering for years in Harvey Weinstein.  With his eye for good stories, his bullying manner in getting those stories made, and his hidden assaults on women that were discussed,  but tolerated, because of the power he wielded.  Once a producing  avatar of the film world, he will die(probably sooner than later) an avatar of abusive power, sexuality and shame. Most likely finally seen by everyone trapped  in the Underworld  Prison where he had secretly lived his whole life.

      I recently told a Scorpio friend of mine who is publishing her memoirs this month, “Jupiter in Scorpio, good for your book, bad for Harvey Weinstein.”  Scorpio is a sign of depth and revelation.  But in our superficial culture we usually store our depths in the basement, where nobody can see them. Root around down there, and you’ll find lust, rage, shame, illnesses and all kind of unrealized fantasies.  And the basement is where the first report of Harvey Weinstein’s abuse came from.  There beneath a restaurant he partly owned, he masturbated into a potted plant.  But how did he find himself there pleasuring himself in front of an unwitting victim? What had happened to him, that created that desire?

     I make no excuses for Harvey Weinstein or the other sexual assaulters and rapists who are being exposed,  and will continue to be exposed in the days, weeks, and months to come.  I find their actions disgusting and their choices reprehensible.  Every single one of them should go to jail for what they’ve done.  But there are reasons why they’ve behaved this way, and their sexuality has became so distorted in its expression and function.  I can say with surety about them or anyone who exploits other people sexually, the genesis of their behavior usually can be found in their own sexual abuse.  People who behave this way, have usually been treated this way. It’s like a game of tag.  It’s not an excuse.  But, it is one of our culture’s darkest Underworld secrets.

     I myself was not a victim of sexual abuse, but it’s been close to me.  In my 20’s I had an incredibly beautiful and talented girlfriend, who as a small child had been abused by her father’s best friend.  The impact on her sense of herself was global.  It affected every part of her life, and always will. Like Persephone(read the myth) she had been dragged to the Underworld, and it is her life’s work after dragging herself back out, to help others escape.  Some, like Harvey Weinstein, never get back out, and they spend their lives dragging others down to the Underworld to be with them.  Their struggle to survive in such a dark and frightening environment energizes them with a great power, that in it’s purest and least camoflaged form, is rage.

     I grew up in Los Angeles and had a couple of close calls with the Underworld as a child.  I remember being ten and having my father take me to Malibu Colony to watch the US OPEN final at one of his friend’s house.  The man had been a producer on Laugh In.  He lived on the beach and his incredibly beautiful and enchanting British ex-wife had her own place in Coldwater Canyon and a butler.  My father had once been a producer for the Carol Burnett show, but had fallen on hard times in the industry, and probably viewed the outing as something that offered him professional opportunities.

    As the match (Connors-Borg as I recall) wore on, the producer became more and more drunk.  I’d never seen an adult drunk during the day, and was semi amused by it.  His watery eyes, and his slurred speech were a new experience of adults, and I was titilated by it.  He began to speak about his days playing professional football in the Canadian Football League. I sensed that along with his watery eyes, and slurred speech, I was also being exposed to a new world of adults lying.   I told him I didn’t believe him several times.  Each time I said I didn’t believe him, he grew more angry.  Not only was I meeting a daytime drunk for the first time, I was popping the lie balloons of adults.  It was great fun!

    Since his environment was so permissive, I’d been matching his whiskey on the rocks with Coca Colas.  I asked him where the bathroom was, and he rose up to show me.  We had passed into the next room, out of sight of my father,  when he hustled up behind me, pulled my right arm up behind my back in a hammer lock and put his left hand over my mouth.  He uttered something insolent and mean, which I can’t recall, because my memory is dominated by the smell of whiskey and the sensation in my right shoulder, that it was  about to come out of the socket.  I struggled to get away from him and did.,  and ran into the next room, tears streaming down my face, and curses poring from lips.  I shouted to my father about what this lying drunk had done to me, and was waiting for him to leap from his seat and begin beating him to death with his bare hands.  My father had once been awarded a certificate of bravery by the City of New York, for grabbing a Lion by its’ mane that had escaped its handler,  and was cornering a group of children on the tv show he was worked on(remember Wonderama?) So I was sure he was going to rip this asshole limb from limb.

     To my surprise,  and profound disappointment, rather than sprinting to the other room to rain death and destruction(Hello Pluto!)upon this idiot who had attacked his son, he rose up, “shhhhhd” me and tried to get me to stop yelling.  My rage, unleashed in the presence of an adult that I did not know for the first time, turned back toward his cowardice.  I carried on for a good five minutes and may have even taken a run at the lying drunk, before my father told me to knock it off.  I was so angry at the drunk, and so disappointed with my father, I felt like I was going to pass out.  It wasn’t until years later, that I realized that my father probably wanted a job.  I suppose that was a version of how power imbalances between people allow awful behavior to go unchecked, and allow people to compromise their values in response to the misbehavior of those who have power.  People will sacrifice their dignity if they want something from those who offend decency.

     A second incident of my childhood also carried some Underworld darkness that could be found in L.A. or anywhere.  When I was 13, a group of my friends were having sex with someone’s mother’s boyfriend’s 13 year old daughter.  All of them.  They were very excited that they had found someone to divest them of their virginity.  One of them went on to be a successful actor.  When I turned down their offer to join in, sensing I thought it was wrong, they attacked me.  They suggested I was gay(the worst insult one thirteen year old could hurl at another at the time) and told me that I was a pussy.  But, I knew what they were doing was wrong, and I also felt like if my father found out that I was doing some thing like that he would have beat the shit out of me.  That was not a bad thing to fear, in retrospect.  It was a good compass, and more men would do better to worry about such things.

    A third Underworld incident happened when I first returned to Los Angeles as an adult.  I had done an Astrology reading for a very well known comedy writer.  When I was finished, he told me that it was an amazing reading,  and that, “he would lose his card carrying membership as a gay man, if he didn’t offer me a blowjob.”  I declined, at which point he offered to put me in touch with a big hollywood honcho, who no doubt would be interested in my screenwriting as well, “but would want to give me a blowjob before the reading.”   I passed on the referral.

      Partly what is at issue here is in these predatory behaviors is Illness, and partly what is at issue is internal authority.  I knew better at 13 the difference between right and wrong  than a lot of these men we are hearing about do as adults.  Some of them have been victimized by sexual abuse, some were neglected by authority figures, some are predatory, and some of are just plain stupid.  All deserve the same punishment.  Whether their healthy sexual instincts has been distorted by abuse, twisted by the desire to express power against another person, or merged with a predatory instinct, it doesn’t matter.  Once sexuality turns down toward the Underworld, it will reach up to grab others to join it it in its isolation and shame.  That is a fact of psychological life.  Shining a light on this reality is the best antidote.  Exposing the secrets of distorted Underworld sexuality will allow people to identify it something that occurs in real life, and defend themselves against it in the future. Carl Jung said, “We do not become enlightened by aspiring to the light, we becoming enlightened by shining a light into our darkness.”  That is Jupiter in Scorpio’s gift. It exposes our darkness.   It’s going to be here all year.